Dianne-style Homemade Mac & Cheese
 macaroni and cheese
1 box of Barilla Plus Elbow Macaroni.  (This is very healthy pasta made with whole grains and bean paste.)
3 cups of any type of cheese you like
½ cup or more of Greek yogurt
4 tablespoons of butter
Garlic salt and pepper to taste

Follow instructions for pasta. (Try overcooking the noodles until really tender for a soufflé-type outcome.) After draining the water, keep on a low burner and add rest of the ingredients. Gently stir until cheese is melted. 

You can serve this delicious mixture right from the pan, or, spray a baking dish and fill with the mac & cheese and a little extra sprinkle of cheese on top. Bake at 350° for about 25 minutes.  Serve hot. Yum!